The Need

There is an increasing demand for unified, frequent, and reliable transit in southeast Michigan. Here is why.


The gaps and limits of our transit service make it incredibly challenging to navigate the region within a timely manner. Transit is supposed to provide sufficient mobility but it can also serve as a barrier to employment, education and healthcare. View the video of Wayne County Executive Warren Evans below and this article about Helaine Zack to fully understand drawbacks of an insufficient transit system.


Along with costs of maintaining a privately owned vehicle, car insurance rates in Detroit are some of the highest in the nation. Public transportation is more affordable and has a more profound impact on the environment. Use this Fuel Savings Calculator and this Carbon Savings Calculator to see how much you can save by making the switch or trying transit for your commute.

A hybrid electric SMART bus

Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Many people with disabilities are highly dependent on others to get from point A to B. A highly functioning transit system that accommodates disabled people is vital to job access, social opportunities and quality of life. The video below illustrates the importance of transit accessibility for disabled people. Check out the video below for personal testimony from a resident of Southeast Michigan.

Beautification and Infrastructure

Transit yields development. Whether it is enhanced bus shelters, better roads, gardens at bus stops etc. transit plays a huge role in creating a greater appeal than just riding a bus or rail. Read this article about the QLINE to see how Transit Oriented Development (TOD) can change the appearance of a city.

QLine stop in downtown Detroit

Public Life

Living in Chicago or New York, among several other metropolitan areas, a public life is feasible with efficient mass transit. While a public life in Detroit may be slightly manageable, improving regional transit operations does more justice in attracting people, therefore talent, to make a life for themselves in Detroit without owning a car. And even when public life is disrupted, like during the COVID-19 pandemic, mass transit remains a crucial resource for transporting our most essential workers.